Emphasis on Prevention, free of parasites!
We offer heartworm and fecal screening as part of your wellness visit. During your wellness exam, your pet's doctor will screen for any possible ectoparasites (like fleas and ticks) that perhaps you may have not seen before.
We encourage you to maintain your pet on a steady preventative all year round specially while you are leaving here in Texas. We offer multiple options to fit your pet needs and your family's lifestyle and budget either with our products in house or through our online pharmacy.
Heartworm Prevention is the KEY!
Heartworm prevention is our strong recommendation for all pets living in the SouthWestern States. In Texas, we are of major concern due to significant population of heartworms currently existing all year round. We start the preventatives when your puppy/kitten comes in for their first visit and continue it for the remainder of their life as long as they remain in Texas. We highly recommended it on both dogs and cats since they are equally at risk. Usually, a routine Heartworm test is performed once a year in the dogs. If Heartworms are detected, our staff will discuss the significance and concerns for your pet and the treatment options that may be implemented. For more information on heartworms, we recommend you to visit the American Heartworm Society.